Ars nova music academy of Trieste organizes the music competition named
“Ars Nova International Music Competition Trieste - Paolo Spincich award”.

The auditions will be held online from 20 to 25 April 2021, and are aimed at young and very young people who dedicate themselves to the study of music through public and private schools from different countries.

Sections and instruments

1st section Piano
president: Tamara Ražem (Italia-Slovenia) - vice president: Mirza Kapetanovic (Austria)

2nd section Violin
president: Eugeniy Chevkenov (Austria) - vice president: Mariko Masuda (Giappone/Italia)

3rd section Flute
president: Alessandro Vigolo (Italia) - vice president: Matej Zupan (Slovenia)

4th section Chamber music
president: Antonio Vilardi (Belgium) - vice president: Nina Sofronski (Switzerland)

Enrolement: not later than 10th April 2021


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  • da lunedì a venerdì: 17:00 - 19:00
  • mecoledì mattina 11:00 - 12:30

tel./ fax: +39 327 928 4669
cell.: +39 328 6027 507

tel./ fax: +39 327 928 4669

E' possibile in diverso orario per appuntamento:
cell.: +39 328 6027 507

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