Durante l'anno, oltre all'attività didattica, l'Accademia di musica Ars Nova programma e realizza numerose conferenze, concerti e saggi sia pubblici che dedicati ai propri soci.

I Quaderni dell'Accademia

Quarterly magazine of musical culture, teaching and educational psychology

It is with pleasure that on the occasion of the 16th Ars Nova International Music Competition, the association offers a quarterly magazine consisting of individual studies and articles that can be downloaded in pdf format. An opportunity for in-depth study of educational issues related to music, compositions, musicological works. The first issues will be printed in July 2021, October 2021 and January 2022

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Per informazioni, iscrizioni e pagamenti

  • da lunedì a venerdì: 17:00 - 19:00
  • mecoledì mattina 11:00 - 12:30

tel./ fax: +39 327 928 4669
cell.: +39 328 6027 507

tel./ fax: +39 327 928 4669

E' possibile in diverso orario per appuntamento:
cell.: +39 328 6027 507

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